Well it is official we have adopted a new member of the family. On the spur of the moment Friday night Jayme and I found Nickie still at work and followed her home to see the puppies. After much deliberating we chose Beau, the runt of the litter.
He is actually from the same family as Belle. He is only 10 weeks old having been born on 9th November. What a little tyke. When he first got home he tried everything to jump on Belle, but she wasn't having that. She wasn't upset just very leery. Now second day on Belle is trying everything to get Beau to play and he is ignoring her! Lol
I am sure they are going to get on so well once he is a bit bigger, I see many good times ahead.
Yesterday we bought him is first collar, lead and harness and took him for a walk. Not a long one as he tires easily but boy was he cute!