Saturday 15 March 2014


After visiting the museum we headed to Paris, we had 3 terrific nights there. It was exhausting but I hope Brian and Louise enjoyed it!



Wednesday 12 March 2014

Canada Poland Museum Adegem

We were looking for the Canadian cemetary in Adegem and came across the Canada Poland Museum. What an interesting museum. It appears that the man who started the museum was fulfilling his fathers,Gilbert Van Landschoot, dying wish of thanking the Canadian and Polish soilders who he was convinced saved his life. During WWII he would, unbeknownst to his family, help people escape from the Nazis however they were closing in on him when the Canadian and Polish soldiers arrived in his village.

The soilders stayed in with the villagers until they were deployed and protected the village. The soldiers were given clothes and keep while they were there and unfortunately many did not make it back.



Tuesday 11 March 2014


Having a great day in Brugge with Roger, Louise and Brian. It has been rather cool but at least it hasn't rained. Tomorrow we are off to Paris for 3 nights. Bring it on!!




Sunday 19 January 2014


Well it is official we have adopted a new member of the family. On the spur of the moment Friday night Jayme and I found Nickie still at work and followed her home to see the puppies. After much deliberating we chose Beau, the runt of the litter.

He is actually from the same family as Belle. He is only 10 weeks old having been born on 9th November. What a little tyke. When he first got home he tried everything to jump on Belle, but she wasn't having that. She wasn't upset just very leery. Now second day on Belle is trying everything to get Beau to play and he is ignoring her! Lol

I am sure they are going to get on so well once he is a bit bigger, I see many good times ahead.

Yesterday we bought him is first collar, lead and harness and took him for a walk. Not a long one as he tires easily but boy was he cute!




Saturday 28 December 2013

Christmas has come and gone...again!

Well another Christmas has come and gone. Although a rather quiet day it was still a terrific one! The girls spoilt both Roger and I and I must admit I love it!

After opening presents we played a few games waiting for the Turkey to cook. I had rushed to make pumpkin pies the weekend before Christmas and Jess and I were so looking forward to our favourite pie after dinner. So right after dinner I dished up a huge slice for Jess and I and we both dug in...only after one bite we looked at each other and said it was terrible. In hindsight I think I forgot to add sugar to not one but two pies!!! So disappointing and to make matters worse we were expecting Angie and Shane the next day and Shane was so looking forward to pumpkin pie.

Boxing day Jess ran to the store so I could make another pie before our guests arrived. Angie and Shane came after lunch and we played the game Forbidden Words...what a great game and such a laugh. I was so pleased that Angie did so well the entire day and managed to stay until 9pm. I'm sure she was absolutely exhausted the next day and I hope she felt it was worth it!

Today we are all taking it easy...a nice relaxing day after a few busy days...I love this time of year and love spending time with the girls playing games and just generally having a laugh!! Only 362 days to go before we do it all again!

P.S. Made sticky cinnamon buns today...did not take long for them to start getting gobbled up! Cabbage rolls and perogies tonight...brings back great memories! Hope I do my Mom proud!